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The company GF Power and Partners as an Energy project development company is offering the possibilities in financing.
Basic offer and procedure for financing
(Depending on project several financing structures are possible by sourcing the best suitable fiancing structurs with low interest rates)

1.)     Service for clients
          We are helping our clients to achieve financing for their projects.
          Therefore we are structuring the financing for the projects.
          Structuring means to bring together
          - possible subsidies from international entities,
          - loan from international private and development banks,
          - together with your equity part (usually 30% of the Investment amount)

Procedure:    We need a mandate for this
                      Our compensation is according to the project, usually a fixed fee and a success fee at financial close

2.)     Entering into a partnership
          When the client doesn't have the 30% of equity available and for example only 15%, we
          decide if we want to enter with the client into a partnership. (Min Investment amount € 20m)
          In this case we provide the other party with the rest of the equity they need and the whole loan part.
          In this case we like to have 51% (not negotiable) of the shares of the company.

Procedure :     We need a proof of funds for the 15%
                        We need project documentation

                       - Financing resources
                       - subsidies from international organizations
                       - Private banks
                       - International banks


Untitled Document

Rotholz 369, 6200 Jenbach


Gregor Furtner

Austria/Österreich: +43 680 115 3428

Germany/Deutschland: +49 176 383 44 009

Official website of GF-Power Consultant and Engineering